People and skills are at the core of our industry and by working to ensure that everyone achieves a base technical standard, we are creating a safe, highly-skilled, flexible workforce with the ability to transfer easily between sectors. This is vital as our industry continues its journey towards net zero.

The technical standard of Connected Competence is recognised and integrated with the Energy Skills Passport and will transform how offshore energy workers transition between sectors, while also supporting the commitments of the North Sea Transition Deal and several of the UK and Scottish Government’s skills transition policies.

Cross Sector Transfer

Connected Competence assures common technical skills required across sectors which can offer opportunities where there have previously been barriers to mobility. The recent nuclear skills analysis demonstrates how technical competence of core technical skills required can be assured by workers presenting their Connected Competence digital badges.

Cross Skilling

The efficient transfer of competence assurance is also relevant to Onshore and Offshore Wind, recognising how the activities of electrical, mechanical and instrument technicians can transfer across business projects.

How we help workers

See how Connected Competence helps you to demonstrate your competence achievements.

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