Why Do I Need Connected Competence?
Depending on where you are in your career, you may have mixed feelings about Connected Competence. If you’re just starting out, it’ll be part and parcel of your training – but, if you’re a time-served worker, you might be wondering why you need to prove your competence… you’ve been doing the job for years, after all.
Let’s start with a quick recap of what it is. Connected Competence is an industry-driven initiative, supported and enabled by the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB). It’s been developed with some of the UK’s largest contracting companies with the aim of bringing standardised training and testing, so that everyone in the industry is working to the same base standard of competence. It involves a series of technical tests that are taken at one of our approved test centres across the country.
This blog will hopefully help you understand why Connected Competence is a positive move in your career that you’ll benefit hugely from, rather than just a tick-box activity.
Show and OWN your skill
Connected Competence is going to make it much easier for you to show your skill – the skill that you’ve had for many years. For each test you take, you’ll get a digital badge. When you’ve taken all your technical tests, you’ll get a trade award badge. In just a few clicks, employers can access an online portal and see that you have the required base standard of knowledge and skill for the job.
And Connected Competence is yours – you own it, not your employer. So no longer will you have to ask employers for proof of your training and competence, which can lead to delays in you being able to transfer jobs. And while we’re talking about transferability, let’s move onto the next reason why Connected Competence will make life easier and better for you…
Transferability increases job opportunities
A major plus point about Connected Competence is that it enables transferability both within and across the engineering and construction sectors. Traditionally, a pipefitter in oil and gas has stayed a pipefitter in oil and gas because they have not been seen as technically competent to apply skills in another sector. But Connected Competence recognises the generic skills of each trade, and certifies that you are technically competent to use them in a wide range of sectors.
Not only will this increase the number of job opportunities for you, but it will also future-proof your career in a very changeable time in the energy sector. Being armed with Connected Competence means that you will find it easier to transition to a different sector as the world heads towards net zero.
Mobilise more quickly
The transient workers among you will know the importance of being able to mobilise quickly following a contract offer. Connected Competence is cutting down mobilisation time from what can be a week and a half to just a couple of days.
That’s a huge advantage to have over others in the workforce who are remaining hesitant to jump on board with Connected Competence. An employer will naturally give preference to a worker who can prove their competence easily and arrive on site promptly.
A safer, more competent workforce
The engineering and construction industry involves hazardous environments; if the job isn’t done properly due to skills becoming rusty, you and your colleagues could be at risk. If everyone commits to remaining current and up to date with Connected Competence, the result will be a safer, more competent workforce, and you’ll also be working with people who are up to speed and not slowing your team down.
The bottom line… Connected Competence is becoming a requirement
Hopefully this blog has shown you that by gaining Connected Competence, you’ll be putting yourself in a much stronger position to move forward with your career. But the bottom line is, as an initiative championed by major companies throughout the oil and gas sector, it is fast becoming a requirement of the transient workforce. So why not jump on board now and get ahead of the game? You can see just how simple it is to become certified by reading our recent blog: How Easy Is It to Achieve Connected Competence? Book your test today!
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