Staying safe in shutdown periods
Site shutdowns for maintenance are crucial periods for the industry. Time is of the essence to minimise financial losses while production is suspended. While a well-planned relay of companies shutting down one after the other would be ideal, unfortunately it’s not the reality.
There’s generally a peak in demand and, in some cases, last-minute planning for workers as shutdown dates are confirmed. Contractors quickly maximise as many workers onto site as possible to meet the increased workforce demand, and it’s within a tight schedule.
But there’s also an increased risk – workers may be mobilised who are not current with the required skills and competence to work safely in hazardous conditions. It only takes one member of the team to be less competent than others, and not only is productivity slowed down, but it could make the working conditions less safe.
Are you tired of carrying underskilled workers?
The effect of underskilled workers can range from frustration to catastrophic mistakes. If you find yourself constantly carrying and covering for one of your colleagues due to their lack of skill, then you’ll know the annoyance this causes.
You might find yourself asking why they are getting paid the same as you when they clearly don’t have the same level of skill and competence. Or wondering why you have to work harder to ensure the job gets done on time.
But, what about when it goes further than this? What about when you can see that a co-worker is working in an unsafe manner? This is a major cause for concern.
Here’s where Connected Competence can help…
Connected Competence puts everyone on a level playing field
Everyone working competently and safely can only happen when each and every person is working to the same standards. This is exactly what Connected Competence assures.
By every site-based worker in the industry demonstrating and assuring their technical competence, we can make sure that everyone is working to the same base standard of competence needed for today’s working environments. This competency of skills is then kept current by renewing your base technical skills every 3 to 4 years, depending on your discipline.
Lead by example…
If you’re the strong one at work and feel you have to carry others, you may be wondering why you need to gain Connected Competence. Quite simply… it is helping the industry to be a safer, more productive and more satisfying place to work.
What’s more, some of the main players in the industry have made Connected Competence a mandatory requirement in their onboarding process including Aker Solutions, Bilfinger, Ponticelli, Semco Maritime, Stork, Wood, and Worley.
So, if you want to work for them, gaining Connected Competence is well within your interests. Also, these companies making Connected Competence mandatory means you’ll only be working with people who have proven their skills and are helping to keep you safe.
Book your test today. The end result for you will be worth it. If you have any questions, have a read of our blog: Connected Competence – Your Questions Answered.
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