Offering Opportunities To The Transient Workforce
A transient workforce is key to project-orientated industries. As supply and demand fluctuates, companies can call in extra workers on limited-time contracts when needed.
In the past, many workers opted to be on contract rather than employed, as the difference in pay made it an attractive offer.
But things have changed and transient workers are finding it harder to secure those placements.
If you’re one of those workers, Connected Competence could offer you just what you need to get ahead of the bustling crowd and people looking for work. Read on to find out how…
Get on site within days
In our recent blog, we stated mobilisation as one of the main reasons why workers in oil and gas need Connected Competence. Being able to mobilise quickly following a contract offer is a huge advantage to have over other transient workers. What traditionally takes up to a week and a half can happen within a matter of a day or two with Connected Competence, as you are already demonstrating the technical competence required to undertake the job safely.
Your ticket to other sectors
Covid-19 dealt an extra blow to an already stretched oil and gas industry. This has coincided with a significant and active focus on climate change from all corners of the globe. COP26 served as more proof that there is mounting pressure to massively reduce the use of fossil fuels and speed up the emerging energy transition. As a worker in the sector, you’ll know the strain that this is putting you and your colleagues under.
A recent report from Platform – ‘OFFSHORE: Oil and gas workers’ views on industry conditions and the energy transition’ – involved interviewing 1,383 workers and found that job security was one of the biggest concerns in the industry. So much so that 81.7% of workers said that they would be willing to move to a job in a different sector, with over half of them stating increased job security as the main reason. Offshore wind and renewables were particularly popular options, as that’s where the biggest overlap in skills lies.
Connected Competence could be your ticket to being able to do just this, as it is transferable between sectors. It aims to recognise and prove technical competence of the required generic skills needed, no matter what role and sector you work in… a pipefitter in oil and gas could become a pipefitter in offshore wind.
Initiated and backed by industry, Connected Competence is here to aid the energy transition as the industry evolves by supporting a resilient, transferable workforce.
Book your technical tests now
So, what do you have to lose? Book your test today!
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£300K for Connected Competence voucher scheme
The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) has allocated £300K for temporary workers within the engineering construction industry (ECI) to verify their base level of technical competence as part of the Connected Competence scheme.