Connected Competence Webinar
Did you miss the Connected Competence Webinar? Catch up with a recording from the event.
Did you miss the Connected Competence Webinar? The Employer Delivery Group participated in an online webinar for the East of England Energy Group (EEEGR) recently to share learnings about the implementation of Connected Competence.
Keith Scott, Operations Director from Petrofac and Chair of the Connected Competence Delivery Group was joined alongside Lynsey Benson, Senior Project Manager with ECITB and other Connected Competence member representatives Karen Jenkins, Agnes Burness and Emma Rodriguez. The presenters provided an informative session highlighting the key benefits that Connected Competence brings to the workforce, employers and wider Industry stakeholders.
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The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) has allocated £300K for temporary workers within the engineering construction industry (ECI) to verify their base level of technical competence as part of the Connected Competence scheme.